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Hadracha (Leadership) Program

hadracha — noun for counseling/guiding
madrichei — counselor/guide (gender non-specifying)
madrich — counselor/guide (male, singular)
madricha — counselor/guide (female, singular)
madrichimot — counselors/guides (inclusive of all genders)
Temple Beth Shalom's Hadracha Program is for students who will be in grades 8-12. Working as a madrichei is a paid work position at Temple Beth Shalom. While madrichimot do aid teachers in simple tasks, their responsibilities go beyond the administrative duties suggested by the term "teachers' aides." As madrichimot, they guide younger students toward a positive Religious School experience by demonstrating their involvement, their skills at collaboration, and their initiative.
Temple Beth Shalom members, log in to your account to view the Religious School calendar.
Madrichimot have the option to work one or more of the following sessions:
- Sunday Religious School 1st Session (8:45-10:45 a.m.)
- Sunday Religious School 2nd Session (11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.)
- Sunday In-Person Hebrew School (1:40-2:40 p.m.)
- Wednesday In-Person Hebrew School (4:30-6:00 p.m.)
Please note that we are no longer offering online Hebrew through the temple.

All classroom madrichimot will help the teacher with daily activities, leading small groups, taking attendance, helping with art projects, working with students who need some extra attention, and most importantly, serving as a Jewish role model for our kids! Teens can also apply to be an office madrichei and help out with administrative duties. 

For madrichimot working Sunday Religious School 1st or 2nd Session (Updated for 24-25 year):

- 8th & 9th graders will receive $75 per semester
- 10th graders will receive $5/hour
- 11th graders will receive $7.50/hour

- 12th graders will receive $10/hour

*NEW* Multi-Year Bonus For 1st & 2nd Sunday Sessions

We want to honor our madrichimot who continue to return to this role year after year! Madrichimot who apply for one of our Sunday morning sessions (8:45-10:45 a.m. or 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.) are eligible to receive an additional $1/hour for each year they have been a madrichei. For 8th-9th graders, this will come in the form of a stipend increase.

While this bonus is only available to madrichimot who work one of the two sessions listed above in the 2024-2025 year, eligibility is based on any previous madrichei service, including Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday Hebrew.

-All madrichimot (8th-12th grade) will receive $10/hr for Hebrew school.
-All madrichimot can choose to receive community service hours instead of monetary compensation for any session
-Madrichimot who receive monetary compensation will be paid every other month, only for hours that were worked. Payment will be sent in the mail to the madrichimot's home address.

*Per Temple Beth Shalom's policies, all teachers and madrichimot will need to be vaccinated for Covid-19, in order to teach in person.

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785