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Kol Hakavod - Congregational Choir & Instrumental Ensemble

Do you sing? Play a musical instrument? Join the Kol Hakavod ("Voice of Honor") Ensemble, our congregational choir and instrumental group!

Musical Opportunities:

High Holy Days

Shabbat Shir Shalom

Kol Hakavod is both a dedicated choral and instrumental ensemble and an opportunity for ongoing adult education. Being a choir member provides you with a unique opportunity to explore Jewish music from the past and present under the guidance of Cantor Abby GosteinWe welcome anyone who wishes to celebrate Jewish musical heritage, develop and improve their vocal and musicianship skills, and contribute to leading the prayers of our community in an especially powerful way. If you're interested in participating, please fill out our Participation Form

Not only is Kol Hakavod an integral part of our High Holiday worship, we also sing at congregational worship services and community events throughout the year. We're even recording artists! Listen to us sing on a track from Koleinu, a choral compilation published by Transcontinental Music Publications.


Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785