Jewish Spark for Families
Upcoming Events:
Tot Shabbat for Families
Friday, April 11, 5:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Temple Beth Shalom members, no RSVP necessary.
Geared for families with children ages 0-5 (and grandparents), our Tot Shabbat is a lively and engaging experience which takes place in the Temple Beth Shalom sanctuary. Let's sing, pray, and connect together!
Jewish Spark for Families is geared toward families with children ages 0-8 years old, with a focus on the unique needs and schedules of families.
Just as we feed our children's bodies with nourishing food, we must fill their Jewish souls with songs, rituals, and blessings. Our families get to know one another and the Temple Beth Shalom community during holiday celebrations and social gatherings throughout the year.
Your children will love being Jewish and you will make lifelong friends with other new parents! Our services are open to the community, including non-members!
Families of all ages and stages are welcome to attend our weekly Shabbat services, every Friday at 7:00 p.m. (you can attend in person by calling our office to RSVP, or livestream services from our website or view on YouTube). Through songs and prayers, it's a great opportunity for families to experience the joy of Shabbat together. See our Shabbat Guide for Parents for helpful information about observing Shabbat at every age and stage of childhood.
Interested in membership? Complete our Membership Inquiry Form for information about membership and congregational life.
For more information, or to be added to our monthly Jewish Spark for Families email list, please contact us.
Download Our Shabbat Kit for Families
Coloring Sheets:
Thu, February 13 2025
15 Sh'vat 5785
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