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The Living Breath of God: In Quest of Teshuva & Forgiveness 2022

Series with Dr. Rosa Schnyer
Three sessions: Tuesdays, Sept. 6, 13, and 20 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom

(Note: A fourth session will be held in-person only at Temple Beth Shalom on Yom Kippur, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2:00 p.m., for members only, free of charge. Register for the members-only fourth session here.)
“Teshuva begins with a turn towards the heart…turning from our gaze out at the world to the window through which we see the world." - Rabbi Alan Lew

Join us as we prepare for the High Holidays. The weeks leading up to the High Holidays offer us an opportunity to slow down, pause, and reflect, to return to the Divine Presence within and around. Yet, they are often the most hectic days of the year, as we emerge from the casual relaxation of Summer, and prepare to re-start our usual routine.

Join us as we ease gradually, yet wholeheartedly, into the spirit of forgiveness and Teshuva, arriving at Yom Kippur with a bit more clarity, awareness, vitality and peace. Let us prepare to take in the New Year, with a renewed sense of serenity, perspective and connection.

Jewish-Inspired Mindfulness Meditation
Gentle movement and breathing to reset and recalibrate
Self-Inquiry and Reflection

The suggested donation is $18 for 1 session or $36 for all 3. (The fourth session is free of charge and for members only.) We welcome additional donation amounts if you are able to support this community endeavor. 
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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784